Harvard study reveals “environment conducive to becoming rich.”

Recently, Harvard University in the United States,
as part of an economic study.
conducted the following study.

The university conducted,
“Is there a correlation between social relationships and income?”
The study was called “Is There a Correlation Between Social Interaction Relationships and Income? The target areas were,
Minneapolis and Indianapolis in the United States.
Minneapolis is an area where the wealthy and the common people have relatively more opportunities to interact with each other.
Minneapolis is an area where the wealthy and the common people have a relatively large number of opportunities to interact with each other,
Indianapolis, on the other hand, is an area where the wealthy have few opportunities to interact with the general public.

The results of the study showed that children who grew up in areas where they had more contact with
The results of the survey showed that children raised in areas where they had more contact with high-income households
earned about 1.3 million yen more per year than those who grew up in other areas.
(comparison at age 35).

The study found that,
The fact is that people who have more opportunities to interact with wealthy people
The point of this story is that the “wealthy” are the ones who have the most contact with wealthy people.

The point of this story is to “put yourself in an environment where you can easily adopt the thinking and behavior of the wealthy.
The point of this story is to put yourself in an environment where you can easily adopt the way of thinking and behavior of the wealthy.
Wealthy people have a different way of thinking from ordinary people,
And because they act accordingly, they are able to achieve different results,
different results because they think differently and act accordingly.

To put it simply,
Wealthy people are rich people.
In other words, people who are good at saving money,
In fact, the way to save money is to save money.

As a matter of fact, the methods of saving money are already
is already known, and it is not that difficult,
It is not that difficult.
Income – Expenses = Surplus,
If you increase your income or reduce your expenses, you will automatically save money,
You will automatically save money.

The difficult part is that “you know it, but you can’t do it.
But if you have a wealthy person in your life, you may not be able to save money.
But if you have a wealthy person close to you, and if you see them doing it naturally, you will be able to save money,
and see them doing it naturally, it will become the norm,
If you are close to wealthy people and you see them doing it naturally, it will become a matter of course.

Of course, it may be difficult to make friends with wealthy people casually.
It may be difficult to make friends with wealthy people casually, but it is still possible to make friends with them in a community of like-minded people.
But if you are in a community of like-minded people,
I am sure you can find one if you look for it.
At least, not by just watching investment videos on YouTube,
You can’t increase your income just by watching YouTube investment videos, at least that’s for sure.

Gathering information is certainly important, though,
I urge you to increase your contact with people who have achieved financial freedom.
I hope that you will be conscious of increasing your contact with people who are financially free,
I hope you will be aware of the importance of increasing your contact with people who have achieved financial freedom.

earned about 13,000USD more per year than those who grew up in other areas.