Currently, inflation, which began in the wake of war, is sweeping the world.
Inflation has swept the world,
Prices are soaring in Japan as well.
In the first place, inflation
inflation has been raging in the first place,
Monetary easing policies implemented in many countries
The reason why inflation has become so fierce is because of the large amount of currency supplied to the market by the monetary easing policies implemented in many countries.
Since the collapse of Lehman Brothers
currency volume has continued to increase, especially in advanced economies.
Inflation is the result of this system that has been in place for more than a decade.
been in place for more than a decade.
In Japan, too, in order to break free from deflation that has continued for many years,
inflation of around 2% per year since 2013.
inflation of about 2% per year since 2013 to break out of the long-standing deflation.
Now, inflation has hit our households,
Wages are not rising, but only prices are.
Prices are rising while wages are not.
RENGO, the central organization of labor unions
RENGO, the central organization of labor unions, has announced that it aims to raise wages by 5% in the Spring Struggle
but even if it is achieved, it will not be enough,
but even if it could be achieved
But even if it does, it is likely to be a one-shot deal.
In the end, unless the potential of the economy increases
sustainable wage increases will not be realized unless the economy’s potential is increased.
What measures should we take in the face of this situation?
What measures should we take in the face of this situation?
One way is,
One way is to convert your money
assets that are resistant to inflation.
The U.S. dollar, for example, is the world’s most circulating currency,
the most circulated currency in the world.
You can convert some of your assets into the world’s reserve currency
The idea is to convert a portion of your assets into the U.S. dollar, the world’s reserve currency.
Another asset that is resistant to inflation
Real assets are other assets that are resilient to inflation.
When we think of real assets, real estate and gold come to mind,
real assets, such as real estate and gold, come to mind.
If possible, it is a good idea to include these assets in your portfolio.
into your portfolio if possible.
in your portfolio, if possible.
However, it is important to keep in mind that
“Real assets are never safe.
However, it is not always true that real assets are absolutely safe.
As economic conditions change,
the appropriate assets will also change.
Crypto assets, for example, have only been around for about 10 years,
crypto assets, for example, are new financial instruments
crypto assets, for example, are new financial instruments that have only been around for about 10 years.
Also, real assets, which have been attracting attention recently, include
real assets, such as wine investments,
wine investments, for example.
When choosing an asset for defense purposes, it is not just a question of whether or not it will rise in value,
not only whether or not the value of the asset will increase,
but also to your own situation,
Storage, purchase method, liquidity, and
“Can I cover the risk in the long run?”
and “can I cover the risk in the long term?
and “can I cover the risk in the long term?